
Stocks continue to print all-time highs and insiders continue to take advantage of record prices to cash in a bit. Bu that fits historical norms, as the current pace of selling (as expressed by the eight-week sell/buy ratios from Vickers Stock Research) has been seen before when stocks have pushed higher and higher and higher. Consider as well that earnings season is now in full swing and corporate executives, directors, and beneficial owners did not cash out to any significant degree in advance, and it is not hard to describe current insider sentiment as being ‘of no concern.’ That feeds the narrative that stock prices may well move higher over the balance of 2024. On a sector basis, selling by insiders last week was greatest in Information Technology, with shares valued at $448 million sold versus $23 million bought, and followed by Healthcare with $288 million sold. In Consumer Discretionary, selling outpaced buying by a fact

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