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One of the questions I’m asked the most is, “do you think I’m an alcoholic?  In my experience, if you have the inclination to seek that answer, there is probably already some type of problem; However, that in and of itself doesn’t mean you are.  The best way to find that out is with some deep introspect and a little bit of knowledge.

I want to make sure I get some things out on the table before we go any further.  I am not a doctor, psychologist, scientist, rocket surgeon, yada yada yada.  I am speaking to you from one drunk cop to another.  I am using my personal experiences to share the knowledge I’ve discovered in the nine years I’ve been sober. I am by no means an expert, I just hope that some of things that have worked to keep me off the sauce will help some of you.

I also have no problem with those who drink, I do not judge; there is only one judge, and it ain’t me! Truth be told, I am a little jealous of those who can drink like a normal person and still keep their lives together. I just spent the week at a conference in Texas hanging out at the bars with friends and colleagues. I had a great time (it is possible even without alcohol) and I didn’t have any urges to drink.  That doesn’t happen overnight though.  Not everyone in sobriety is comfortable with this either and that’s totally fine.

The Big Question

So back to the question, “do you think I‘m an alcoholic?”  Let’s take a look at what is driving that question.  How much do you drink on a weekly basis?

Do you get off shift and kill a 12 to 18 pack every day?

Do you save it all up for the weekend and smash 72 beers in two to three days?

If you think those numbers are exaggerated, because there is no way anyone could drink that much and survive, you can stop reading now, you have nothing to worry about.

A Few of the Types of Drinkers

Heavy Drinkers

A lot of cops I know are Heavy Drinkers.  Heavy drinkers pound em down with the best. Maybe 15 or so beers a week.  The heavy drinker isn’t experiencing any problems from alcohol yet.

Problem Drinkers

Problem Drinkers are a step up from Heavy Drinkers. They drink frequently but can also go extended periods without it if they put their mind to it.  Binge drinking is frequently involved here too.  The problem drinker is flirting on the edges of alcoholism.  Yeah, they get hangovers and get to work a little late sometimes. They may send some drunk texts and say things they don’t mean.  A problem drinker might have a significant other starting to become concerned about their drinking, but are only experiencing fairly mild consequences to their behavior.  The problem drinker may be getting close to some health problems from drinking, but nothing serious yet.   The dependence on alcohol is beginning to appear.


A true alcoholic is someone who is dependent on alcohol to the point that it is causing significant problems in their life.  An alcoholic will call off sick from work just to be able to drink more.  They show up to their kid’s birthday party so smashed they have a hard time remembering it. They miss events because they would rather isolate in their backyard and pound beers and smoke cigarettes (and accidentally set their picnic table on fire). They think about the next drink the whole time they are not drinking.  Alcoholics take shortcuts at work to make sure they are off-duty on time, so they can drink. Situations where drinking isn’t involved are altogether avoided. Legal problems or discipline issues start surfacing from the alcoholic behavior. Alcoholics have the need to drink even when they don’t necessarily want to. Someone close to the alcoholic begins to ask them if they are okay because they don’t act like themselves anymore.  These are just some of the alcoholic traits out there for us.


The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a desire to stop drinking.  Stop by an AA meeting someday and just observe.  Reach out to someone who you know that got sober and ask for some insight, and maybe a buddy to accompany you to the meeting so you don’t feel out of place.  Think of them as an AA FTO.  You may gain some introspect that helps you begin to steer out of the dark. So, what do you think, are you an alcoholic?  Until next time, be safe and enjoy life.

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