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NEW YORK – A 16-year-old male was taken into custody and accused of vandalizing a World War I memorial in New York City’s Central Park earlier this week, according to police.

The teen, who is among thousands of anti-Israel protesters nationwide, was arrested and charged with criminal mischief in the third degree, a felony, and making graffiti, which is a misdemeanor. He is accused of defacing the 107th Infantry Memorial during a raucous demonstration Monday night, the New York Post reported.

Sources told the news outlet that he’s been a regular face at rallies organized by the anti-Israel group Within Our Lifetime.

Despite reports the boy was turned in by his father Thursday evening, NYPD refuted those claims.

“The despicable vandalism we saw earlier this week on the WWI Memorial will not be ignored, and will not go unpunished,” NYPD Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry posted on X announcing the arrest, while providing images and blurring the face of the purported culprit.

“This isn’t simply juvenile hijinks — it’s an act of desecration that undermines the freedoms our heroes fought and died for,” he added.

The WWI memorial was defaced by several vandals who scrawled “Gaza” and “Free Palestine” on its base and plastered the statue with anti-Israel stickers.

Other protesters burned the American flag in front of the memorial and climbed atop bronzed WWI infantrymen while waving Palestinian flags.

“These people are just nuts and violent,” said an outraged local resident, Michael Skol.

“Burning the flag is anti-American. It’s stupid,” he noted. “It definitively doesn’t help Palestinians or the peace process. These are people who are not in the tradition of believing America is a good place. It’s disgusting.”

Another upset resident, Ron Zucher, said, “It’s horrible to treat a World War I memorial the way they did. It breaks your heart.”

“In this country, you have a right to voice your opinion, but not destroy memorials that pay tribute to heroes who died for our country. You gotta have some decency,” he said.

“The protesters are not helping their own cause destroying monuments and burning the flag,” Zucher concluded.

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