Despite a push by conservatives to stand against a swampy, earmark-laden government appropriations package, a whopping 101 House Republicans joined with 185 Democrats to vote in favor of passage, sending the package to the Senate. On the other side of the vote, 112 House Republicans and 22 Democrats voted against the package.

Approving the package before an impending funding lapse would avert the possibility of a partial governement shutdown.

Conservatives decried the passage of the package.

“The House just passed the Swamp’s omnibus. As expected, this monstrosity passed with MORE DEMOCRAT votes than Republican votes. GOP leadership couldn’t even get a majority of Republicans to support this garbage. But for those who did: You now own everything you just funded,” GOP Rep. Andrew Clyde of of Georgia, who voted against the package, declared in a tweet.

“Congress holds the power of the purse, but the Swamp has yet again forfeited that power and abdicated our leverage to combat Biden’s disastrous policies. Americans deserve better. Woe betide the Members who vote for this atrocious bill,” Republican Rep. Dan Bishop of North Carolina declared in a statement.

Republican Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona tweeted, “More Republicans voted against the DC Cartel’s minibus than voted for it. 112-101. The Uniparty has once again sold Americans out.”

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green of Georgia filed a motion to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) from the speakership. “The current Speaker has shown he cannot stand up to the Democrats. I filed a Motion to Vacate because it’s time the American people have leadership in Congress that will fight for their values and stop funding the left’s agenda,” a tweet on her @RepMTG X account reads.

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