We see this many, many, many, many times, and it always makes us wonder why armored cars, and the bags containing cash that are within them, are not more crash resistant: This morning on I-5 in Carlsbad, Calif., north of San Diego, a minor accident involving a Brinks truck scattered cash across the freeway — and as always, motorists stopped and ran around scooping up bills as they blew around.
This, of course, is a dumb thing to do — surpassed in stupidity only by posting it on social media, as the authorities are surely going to be examining posts like this one (in which a new Ford Bronco makes a cameo appearance):
These folks apparently think this is a finders-keepers situation. Which of course it’s not. And they didn’t have the presence of mind to put their Covid masks on.
San Diego’s Fox 5 said California Highway Patrol officers were writing down identifying information regarding some of the cash-snatchers.
A motorist named Travis Fisher told Fox 5 that at first he thought people were leaping from their cars to help someone who was hurt. Then, “I see all these things floating around and I realize it’s money. It was pretty crazy. Just everywhere, there was a sea of bills, everywhere.”
Source: www.autoblog.com