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EVANSVILLE, Ind. – A previously convicted felon, who is banned from being in possession of a firearm, had a handgun secreted in his rectum when he was booked into jail. The hidden weapon was found when he was required to submit to a body scan and strip search.

Christopher Boyd, 32, was arrested by officers with the Evansville Police Department in Indiana on Monday at about 2 a.m. for possession of a controlled substance, FOX 59 Indianapolis reported.

During a cursory pat down at a traffic stop, police discovered “a small bag with multiple pills” in his right sock, according to a police report obtained by The Smoking Gun. Boyd made the assertion that the pills were Percocets that he obtained from his “Aunt Trish” to assist with the pain from having a “bullet lodged in his spine.”

Moreover, Boyd claimed during the search that he could not spread his legs due to his spinal injury.

“While searching in Boyd’s groin area, Boyd tensed up,” the arrest report indicated.

Officers asked the man if he had “anything stuffed in his groin or buttocks,” yet “Boyd stated that he did not,” according to the report.

Boyd was arrested and transported to the county jail. During the process, officers noted that he was “walking with a limp and appeared to be clenching his buttocks when he walked,” police said in the report.

As a result, Boyd was put through a body scanner and a “large object” was detected in his groin region, FOX reported.

Hence, a further search revealed two plastic bags containing marijuana “tucked next to Boyd’s scrotum.” In Indiana, recreational marijuana remains unlawful.

As the search continued, Boyd “tensed up and refused to comply and was lowered to the ground,” the report said. An officer conducted a strip search and lowered Boyd’s pants so they could access and remove the “large object” hidden in his rectum.

Though he “continued to clench his buttocks,” the searching officer “was able to see that the object Boyd had in his rectum was a handgun” and the weapon was then removed.

It is unclear if the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380 caliber pistol was loaded, but police confirmed it was not stolen.

According to FOX 59, Boyd has an extensive criminal history out of Chicago, which includes “prior convictions for attempted murder in 2011 and burglary and domestic battery in 2018. The history also said Boyd was a convicted serious violent felon and domestic batterer and had a protective order against him, which all prohibit Boyd from carrying a handgun.”

The controlled substances (pills) in Boyd’s possession were later determined to include Oxycodone Hydrochloride, a schedule 2 narcotic. One of the pills also tested positive for fentanyl.

Boyd is facing multiple felony drug, gun and trafficking charges. He was booked at the Vanderburgh County Jail, where he is being held without bond.

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