OAKLAND — A 60-year-old man walking to his car from work in Jack London Square was robbed and stabbed Tuesday night, authorities said.

The man, an Antioch resident, was in stable condition at a hospital with a wound to his back.

The man, a restaurant worker, was walking to his car in the 60 block of Franklin Street about 10:15 p.m. Tuesday when he was confronted by three men, all armed with knives, authorities said. The men demanded his backpack and other personal items, authorities said.

The man gave the suspects the items, police said, then followed their orders to run away. However, as he ran, one of the suspects followed him and stabbed him in the back for no apparent reason, police said.

The suspects fled before police got to the scene. Detailed descriptions of the suspects were not released.

Police and Crime Stoppers of Oakland are offering up to $7,500 in reward money for information leading to the arrest of the suspects. Anyone with information may call police at 510-238-3326 or Crime Stoppers at 510-777-8572.

Source: www.mercurynews.com