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Facebook a threat
to public health

I was infuriated after reading about Facebook’s blatant disregard for the public health and safety of our communities (“Facebook froze as anti-vaccine talk swarmed its users,” Page A4, Oct. 27).

While internal research confirmed that a small number of accounts drive anti-vaccine sentiment, they have been slow to take action against mitigating the spread of such misinformation. When will we draw the line and finally hold them accountable? Deaths continue nationwide due to surges in states with low vaccination rates, and misinformation has a direct impact on people’s decisions about getting vaccinated.

Facebook threatens the lives of its roughly 2.89 billion active users around the world as they continue to prioritize company profits over people. The time for change is long overdue. The entire site needs a massive overhaul and regulations should be put in place to protect our communities from further harm.

Brittany Valdez
San Jose

Party mom case shows
teens’ vulnerability

Re. “Parents claim Los Gatos woman, who faces 39 counts, used social media to entice kids with Tahoe trips, Tiffany jewelry,” Page A1, Oct. 24:

When I read this story, I felt my blood run cold. It alerted me to my vulnerability as a high school teen. I realized that we are so susceptible to being manipulated, even by adults whom we learned to trust from a young age.

Often, when I hear sexual assault stories, whether it is from a book, a movie or a real-life incident, I tell myself that they are far away from me. However, your compelling story reminded me that there is no utopia of safety.

Anyone can be a victim.

I believe that providing teens with better health and sex education in school would heighten their wariness of red flags, remind them to prioritize their health and safety and emphasize their right to say “no” even to adults. Education will help us stay on guard against dangers, so that immoral situations such as this may be prevented.

Shannon Ma

Hold animal shelter
workers accountable

It was saddening to read about the neglect and horrible conditions that the Palo Alto animal shelter employees allegedly put the puppies through (“Employees charged in death of puppies,” Page B1, Oct. 28). They are supposed to be taking care of the puppies and keeping up with their health, but instead they reportedly chose to ignore their responsibilities, harming the innocent puppies.

It is infuriating to learn that even after getting two misdemeanor charges, the employees were released. All the employees that were involved in the abuse of the puppies should be held accountable and punished for their crimes.

Sameen Haider
San Jose

Gas equipment ban
will benefit ‘little guys’

In the Oct. 19 column “California’s gas lawn equipment ban hits the little guys,” Dan Walters explains how the new ban on lawn equipment will hurt the little guys. First, I find that the title could have been thought out better. “Little guys” are the people who are self-employed or run a tiny business usually with their family members. I do believe he is trying to defend the “little guys.”

However, I also believe that even they will benefit from this ban. The new equipment is proven to last longer and not require gas, so they won’t have to waste money on unnecessary maintenance or gas.

Lastly, the “little guys” deserve to work in a non-polluted environment. Usually they are forced to work in whatever conditions, but this new ban will ensure a better environment.

Jennifer Santacruz
San Jose

Accurate data critical
to fight hate crimes

I was frustrated after reading about the rise of hate crime reports (“FBI: Hate crime reports at highest level in 12 years,” Oct. 26), especially considering the fact that not all law enforcement agencies are reporting data from their jurisdictions.

It makes me wonder how many hate crimes there were if 3,000 law enforcement agencies did not submit their reports in 2020. What legacy are we going to leave for future generations of Americans?

That is why true and accurate data is necessary to have in order to make better decisions that can guide us to decreasing future hate crimes. Proper data collection should be enforced for all law enforcement agencies.

Patrik Martin
San Jose

Viral video shows need
for classroom diversity

Re. “Riverside teacher placed on leave after video mimicking Native Americans goes viral,” Oct. 21:

Math class is no place for cultural appropriation and yet a student felt the need to record and post the actions of his insensitive teacher to Instagram. The viral Riverside math teacher incident is a clear indication of how lack of diversity in education creates the opportunity for incredibly insensitive demonstrations to occur in our institutions.

The school district in question commented that the school, the district and the board members do not agree with the actions of the teacher. However, no permanent action has been taken to protect their students. A suspension and “investigation” is not enough. Video evidence has circulated on social media: What more investigating needs to be done?

Students deserve a safe and welcoming environment to learn, not teachers who disrespect their culture and heritage. This should be the only concern of the school board, regardless of the consequences the teacher may encounter.

Jaela Ceja-Lopez
San Jose
