CNN received angry backlash from many on social media after an attempt to dishonestly frame the debate over President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness program before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Supporters of Biden’s program were disappointed when reports said that the Supreme Court appeared to be hostile toward student loan forgiveness in arguments.

CNN focused on the backgrounds of the justices in order to make it appear that they were ruling based on their elitist schooling.

“When the Biden administration goes before the Supreme Court Tuesday to defend the program, which would offer up to $20,000 of federal student debt forgiveness to millions of qualified borrowers, they’ll be making their arguments to a small group of jurists who are far from being representative of the borrowers that could benefit from the relief,” read the article from Devan Cole.

The article went to list other differences between the nine people who were able to achieve the highest judicial station in the U.S. government and those who might benefit from Biden’s student loan forgiveness program.

The article at no time argued that the program was even remotely constitutional, which is what the Supreme Court is supposed to consider.

Many on social media excoriated CNN for the bizarre report.

“If the law is on your side, argue the law. If your case is transparently ridiculous, do this,” replied Charles C. W. Cooke of National Review.

“Justice Thomas grew up in abject poverty and his first language wasn’t even English. Justice Sotomayor grew up in a Bronx housing project with an alcoholic father. If those two people can work their way up to the High court you can work to pay off your student loans,” responded Dace Potas of Lone Conservative.

“So what? If the law is illegal or unconstitutional — I think it’s both — neither the background of the Justices nor the number of people affected should matter,” said Jonah Goldberg of the Dispatch.

“I quite love the framing the Clarence Thomas, who grew up dirt poor speaking Gullah in the Georgia low country, some how is this privileged monster,” read another response.

“Generations of Americans borrowed money to go to college and paid back their obligations they agreed to. As did I. Don’t preach to me about 9 wealthy people deciding to uphold the loans of borrowers,” said another critic.

The plan would forgive about half a trillion dollars in student loan debt. Critics say the program would advantage many wealthy people who are still paying off college loans at the expense of the taxpayer, many of whom didn’t take out loans.

When Biden was challenged by a reporter to address those taxpayers forced to pay for the loans of other people, he angrily fired off a non-response.

“Is it fair to people who, in fact, do not own multibillion-dollar businesses if they see one of these guys getting all the tax breaks? Is that fair? What do you think?” Biden shouted before running out of the room.

Here’s more about the arguments before the court:

Supreme Court justices question Biden’s authority on student loan forgiveness |

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