World-famous climate alarmist Greta Thunberg is suggesting that people must alter their lifestyles and societies in order to combat climate change.

According to a piece that Time indicates is from her work, “The Climate Book,” Thunberg suggests that society-wide “transformations” will be necessary in order for civilization to continue into the future.

“Until recently, you could argue that it was possible to save the climate without having to change our behavior. But that is no longer possible. The scientific evidence is crystal clear: our leaders have left it too late for us to avoid major lifestyle and systemic changes. There simply are not enough resources left. If we are to have a chance of minimizing further irreparable damage, we now have to choose: either we safeguard living conditions for all future generations, or we let a few very fortunate people maintain their constant, destructive search to maximize immediate profits,” she wrote.

“If we choose the first option and decide to go on as a civilization, then we must start to prioritize. In the years, decades, and centuries to come we will no doubt need many transformations that will have to stretch across our whole societies. And since our resources are limited, we must start getting our priorities straight,” she declared.

Thunberg suggests that the these major changes would actually improve people’s lives.

“There is, in reality, absolutely no reason to believe that the necessary changes will make us less happy or less satisfied. If we manage to do this right, then our lives will be given more meaning than selfish, shallow over-consumption can ever give us. Instead, we can make time and space for community, solidarity, and love—the true tenets of a good life,” she claims.

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