Biden pointed to pushback from airlines on vaccine mandates and noted that despite it, the majority “have gotten the vaccine.” Yet he seems to ignore the coercion that’s been exerted on the workforce.
He said talk of people leaving the military over mandates is “not true” and criticized those trying “to make this a political issue” when he is foremost among those doing so.
“‘Freedom,’” Biden mocked as he described his concerns around the issue of mandates, according to Daily Wire. “‘I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID.’ No, I mean come on. Freedom. Number one. Number two … the gross misinformation that’s out there.”
Biden reiterated that there’s “so much misinformation” and ended the answer by pointing out Fox News’ vaccine mandate. He said he finds it “fascinating” and joked that he’s at “3% favorability” at the network.
“I find that mildly fascinating. Mildly fascinating,” Biden said.
In a fact check, Biden appears to have missed the mark regarding Fox News.
Kevin Lord, the company’s head of human resources, announced that more than 90% of Fox’s full-time employees claim to have been vaccinated for COVID-19. For those who have chosen not to receive the shot, the company instituted daily testing, according to Media Matters.
Meanwhile, Biden and his administration (along with mainstream media) ignores or downplays the favorable impact of ivermectin as Big Pharma has buried it in an avalanche of negative coverage despite medical experts like Dr. Pierre Kory, president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, rebutting the misinformation. They’ve also downplayed the impact of natural immunities from those who’ve contracted the virus.
Kory has dedicated much of his time to spreading accurate information about COVID and ways to treat the virus. He is adamant about correcting the record on ivermectin, which the mainstream media has dubbed nothing more than “horse dewormer,” he said on a recent podcast with Allie Beth Stuckey.
“However, the situation is much more nuanced than that, and Dr. Kory explains how the drug works and how it interacts with COVID,” the show says in the introduction to the episode. “We also discuss the deep corruption in the medical industry and the coordinated effort from these major companies to spread disinformation about ivermectin and suppress its use.”
Listen to Allie Beth Stuckey interview Dr. Pierre Kory here.