We are just three weeks away from Marvel’s &Eternals& theatrical release, but the press tour for the MCU’s upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home is steering eyes even more towards that release over the the aforementioned title. &Tom Holland recently sat down with &Entertainment Weekly& and dished on his future in the MCU (or MCM, Marvel Cinematic Multiverse, as some fans are referring to it after the events of &Loki&). Holland, who is known for his inability to keep a secret in regards to past films, was very candid and mainly spoiler free in the interview.

“We’ve been making these films for five years now. We’ve had such an amazing relationship, the three of us. We’ve been with each other every step of the way. We’ve done every single film, every single press tour. So this one scene, [we didn’t know] if this would be the last time [we were all working together.] [It] was heartbreaking but also really exciting because we’re all moving into the next chapter of our careers. So sharing that moment with them was maybe the best day I’ve ever had on set. I don’t think I’ve cried like that ever.”

“We were all treating [&No Way Home] as the end of a franchise, let’s say,” Holland went on. “I think if we were lucky enough to dive into these characters again, you’d be seeing a very different version. It would no longer be the Homecoming trilogy. We would give it some time and try to build something different and tonally change the films. Whether that happens or not, I don’t know. But we were definitely treating [ &No Way Home] like it was coming to an end, and it felt like it.”

Tom Holland lept into fans hearts when he first suited up as the wall crawler in &Captain America:Civil War&. Whether you may prefer Tobey &or Andrew more (both rumored to be in &No Way Home&) there’s no denying the charm and charisma Tom has brought to the screen playing his portrayal of Peter Parker. ‘Underroos’ has come a long way since we first met him and I think I speak for most, certainly not all though, when I say as fans we would like to see him stay in the multiverse. Holland said in the above interview though, as actors, he and his co stars are moving into the next phase of their careers.

It also may not be a matter of ‘wanting’ to be in the role so much as ‘being able’ to. It’s no secret that Marvel and Sony are playing frenemies with each other in regards to Spidey’s rights as the two entity’s have had to amend licensing contracts while trying to simultaneously mend fences. The two studios were able to agree to a couple more movies which has gotten us this far stating ‘it’s for the fans’ ( which translates to “is for the money”) but however they rationalize it, fans are generally happy they’ve gotten to this point. For now, we will have to look to &Spider-Man: No Way Home&as Hollands last outing, but who knows what will happen when the cash starts to roll in. Catch &No Way Home& in theaters December 17th. This news originated at Entertainment Weekly.