For some, a credit card is a helpful backup or tool for online purchases, for others, it is a necessity. Personally, I have always been partial to using cash for any kind of firearm or ammunition purchase. However, for some people, it is easier to use a credit card for their gun or ammo purchases. But it looks like that is now an even worse idea than it was before.
Credit Card Companies Help Democrats track Gun Purchases
The next time you head off to your local gun shop or sporting goods store to pick up the latest hotness, you might want to bring your cash. Although Mastercard and American Express have already pledged fealty to the gun control crowd, Visa was the holdout—until now. Recently Visa caved under pressure from Democrats to help them flag gun and ammo purchases.
Up until now, guns and ammo sales showed up in broader categories like general merchandise or sporting goods. However, the International Organization for Standardization voted to create a new merchant category code for firearm stores. They are selling it as a means to track suspicious sales.
According to Reuters, “In a statement, Amalgamated Chief Executive Priscilla Sims Brown said the codes will allow financial institutions to use new tools to detect and report suspicious activity associated with gun trafficking and mass shootings, without impeding legal gun sales.”
Although this seems on the up and up, like everything from the gun control lobby, you have to dig deeper.
“Today’s announcement is a critical first step towards giving banks and credit card companies the tools they need to recognize dangerous firearm purchasing trends – like a domestic extremist building up an arsenal — and report them to law enforcement,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety.
To clarify, this comes around the same time the President labeled Republicans “fascists” and a “threat to democracy.” Not to mention leaked documents from the FBI and DHS labeling Second Amendment supporters as “Domestic Extremists.”
They can say it’s about curbing gun violence all they want. But it’s not hard to see where all of this is going when the pieces start to come together.
Coming Through the Back Door
As Democrats and the gun control lobby try to convince us that a majority of Americans want gun control, facts prove otherwise. But they know this, and that is why they keep jimmying the lock on the back door.
Everything from treating gun violence as a “public health crisis” to strongarming shipping companies to stop shipping firearm-related products. And now, tracking firearm-related purchases via credit card companies.
They know that gun control is unpopular, so they’re looking for any avenue that doesn’t require a vote. But they also know that people see what they are doing, so a little gaslighting is in order. As in the case of New York Attorney General Letitia James, who tweeted a nonsensical false equivalency:
Someone should remind her that fraud and money laundering are illegal at any and every level. However, firearm ownership is not—despite their best efforts.
The reality is that they hate the Second Amendment and are not even trying to hide it anymore. Remember this in November. There is no level they will not stoop to separate you from your God-given right to self-defense.
I have always been an advocate for taking cash to the gun store. But now more than ever, it is important to leave the credit card at home. I wouldn’t even use a debit card. It’s none of their business when you legally purchase firearm-related products. That is your right as an American citizen.
There are a lot of firearms and firearm-related products sold in the U.S. every year. And if everyone stopped using a credit card for those purchases (or at all), it would hurt them where it counts. Corporations need to learn to stick to business and stay out of politics. There is nothing in it for them but loss.