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Reject Trump’s attack
on the rule of law
Let’s reject Donald Trump’s attacks on the Constitution and the rule of law.
He has said he would only be a dictator one day. That’s a day too long. He caused and supported the attack on the Capitol and said he would pardon the attackers. We know who and what he is about.
It’s time for Americans to stand for the Constitution and the rule of law.
John Shepardson
Los Gatos
Israel aiming
to shatter Gaza
Re: “Israeli attacks around Gaza hospital kill or wound scores, doctors say” (Page A5, Dec. 7).
Amnesty International recently called the Israeli actions in Gaza “genocide,” although the actions are actually worse. Not all Israelis hate the Palestinians, but it has certainly become the default strategy of the Israeli government and the IDF.
The repeated intentional killing of the World Central Kitchen workers proves Benjamin Netanyahu’s intent. By murdering aid workers, bombing hospitals, targeting “safe zones” and indiscriminately killing doctors, the Israelis exponentially increase the pain, suffering, starvation, disease and death of Palestinians.
Just like the killing of the UnitedHealthcare CEO has shed a spotlight on the rapacious and profit-motivated insurance industry, we should recognize that the horrific Oct. 7 attack by Hamas was inevitable.
Imagine living your entire life under brutal military occupation while conditions continually got worse, no relief in sight and all hope was lost. Still no sympathy? What if Israel was no longer the undisputed bully in the Middle East and the roles were reversed?
Jerry Gudeman
Santa Clara
BART cost should not
be borne by taxpayers
Re: “To help BART, make rides free and raise taxes to cover costs” (Page A6, Dec. 11).
The commentary suggests that we make BART free for riders and pay for transit entirely through taxes.
It’s ironic that the taxpayers have been funding BART for more than 50 years and it now runs a massive deficit due to falling ridership resulting from lack of safety and runaway employee costs.
The last thing we need to do is shift the cost responsibility from riders to taxpayers unless BART cleans up its act and can generate a profit.
Charles Margiotta
BART should cut
routes, charge riders
Re: “To help BART, make rides free and raise taxes to cover costs” (Page A6, Dec. 11).
I read with interest the commentary by Michael O’Hare. The basic question for Professor O’Hare is, why should I pay for something I don’t use?
He suggests treating transit like public education. Where is the logic that the taxpayer should fund a failing monopoly? Shouldn’t we give our most important demographic (students) and their parents the benefit of choosing the best school that suits their needs?
I would suggest that to help BART survive, we eliminate the union, provide only those trains that have the most riders and have the consumers pay for what they use. It’s basic economics.
Thomas Baker
San Jose
Democrats, Newsom
have done a good job
Re: “Time to make state Newsom-proof” (Page A6, Dec. 11).
Hearing people like Nick Cochran complain about California is tiring. Yes, we have our share of problems, but we are a great state.
California has tremendous cultural diversity, women can get the medical treatments they need and people whose lifestyles differ from the norm can feel safe. We provide medical care for 95% of our population, and that includes the homeless. Students can read the books they desire, and the first two years of higher education are free of tuition for our high school graduates. Thanks to AI, we are experiencing a high-tech boom.
Thank you, Democrats and Gov. Newsom, for making California a great place to live and for working to solve our problems.
Robert Miller
Los Gatos
Don’t blame landlords
for San Jose shelter mess
Re: “Report blasts animal shelter” (Page A1, Dec. 11).
In the article in the paper today, the shelter coordinator at the San Jose Animal Care and Service Center appears to be placing the blame for the overcrowding and disgusting lack of care on landlords.
“The topic that comes up over and over again is landlords not allowing especially large breeds, or specific breeds, or not at all, and that’s affecting the majority of rental people — a high population in the Bay Area,” shelter coordinator Monty Kameda said in the article.
His implication that we as landlords are obligated to rent to tenants with pets is ridiculous. He needs to look in the mirror and ask himself why it has taken years and years to get his shelter in the safe condition that animals deserve. This isn’t about landlords and renters.
Muriel Sivyer-Lee
Mountain View
GOP’s lies
follow playbook
In reflecting on today’s national political dialogue I am reminded of a quote that sums up the current Republican Party’s philosophy:
“A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth,” said Joseph Goebbels, chief propagandist for the Nazi party. I believe Donald Trump has adopted this philosophy.
Lastly, until the Democrats stop bringing a squirt gun to an artillery battle Trump and his minions will be in control. Buck up, Democrats.
Steve McAlpine
Los Gatos
Source: www.mercurynews.com