Anyone can park their flashy car in a driveway. If you really want to show off your high-end machine, you park it in your giant living room as an art installation and have people over for a dinner party. You can do the same thing with the new Rolls-Royce Cameo. Kind of. Your guests will just have to look a little harder to see it.
The Cameo is a new “home interior art piece” that hearkens back to the automaker’s early open-top cars and combines genuine Rolls-Royce materials with the satisfaction of (for lack of a better word) creating a Rolls-Royce.

There are three main components: the aluminum chassis and the oak and aluminum pieces that make up the two-tone body. According to Rolls-Royce, “The oak body magnetically attaches to the aluminium chassis, emulating a seminal stage in the Home of Rolls-Royce assembly journey known as the ‘marriage’, when the body is mounted to the drivetrain. This significant moment in the creation of a Rolls-Royce motor car is one that many clients choose to view in person.”

The company went with a minimalist approach for the interior, opting for a 3D-printed layout in its signature Gracie White and capping it off – literally – with a “driver” wearing a flat cap.

The finishing touches are the wheels, which feature the self-leveling “RR” center caps that always keep the company’s monogram upright, just like the ones on a full-size Rolls.

Look for the Cameo in Rolls-Royce showrooms and Private Office boutiques. The company didn’t disclose a retail price in its press release, but a little internet searching revealed the Miller Motorcars Boutique in Greenwich, Connecticut has the Cameo listed for $5,500.