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I got my 1947 Plymouth P15 4-door sedan, Ol’ Blue, from my childhood friend. He was looking to buy a Ford Model A, but his wife insisted he first had to let go of the Plymouth. Long story short, he contacted my wife, who, unbeknownst to me, went to her credit union and bought the car for my 49th birthday.

For many years, I drove the car occasionally and took my father for Sunday rides, during which he would tell me stories of his favorite job as a young father: driving a cab just like Ol’ Blue. I even have a photo of my father at the age of 23 getting his hack license to taxi in the streets of Denver, Colorado.

Time passed. Ol’ Blue eventually started blowing blue smoke and sat in the garage, in need of a new ring job.

And as time passed, so did my father.

I was able to retire when I turned 62 and was about to sell or trade Ol’ Blue in favor of a coupe so I could build a street rod, something I had always wanted. But instead of selling the car, I had a brainstorm: Turn Ol’ Blue into a street rod taxi in honor of my father.

Now my summertime toy, today Ol’ Blue runs with a souped-up 350ci Chevy engine backed by a 350 turbo transmission with a 9-inch Ford rear end and cruises the Front Range of Colorado.

Thank you, Dad, for all the great memories of being a taxi driver.

Smokey S., Colorado

Source: www.classiccars.com