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MIAMI – In a day when professional athletes frequently demonstrate a lack of good judgment on social media, at least one well-spoken NBA player made an enlightening observation after the police bodycam video of Tyreek Hill went viral.

Hill, an NFL Pro-Bowl wide receiver with the Miami Dolphins, was stopped Sunday for speeding on his way to Miami’s Hard Rock Stadium to play a game against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

The “entitled” football player 1) Refused to roll down his window; 2) Repeatedly told the officer, “Don’t knock on my window like that,” as if the window was being damaged; 3) Refused to exit the car when instructed to do so.

As a result, Hill was forcefully removed from the vehicle and handcuffed while lying face down on the ground. Regardless of the decision(s) made to remove Hill from his shiny new Corvette, (something the agency will handle), the situation was precipitated by the player’s uncooperative attitude.

Jonathan Isaac is an NBA player with the Orlando Magic. He frequently demonstrates his set of Christian values during moments of social disorder. It’s noteworthy that he became a lightning rod for criticism when he chose to stand for the National Anthem as most others were taking a knee in 2020.

Lone NBA player
Jonathan Isaac stands for the national anthem in 2020. (X)

Moreover, it is also worth noting that on Tuesday, Isaac correctly described the viral police bodycam footage of Hill’s detainment by police as an example of “how not to act when being pulled over,” reported the Western Journal.

“All love to Hill, thank God the situation ended peacefully … but this should be shown to every black boy on how not to act when being pulled over, respectfully. It’s immature as black men to put our lives in the hands of officers in this way!” Isaac cautioned.

“Especially when you’re of his caliber. Neither side has an obligation to be nice… but 9.99 times out of 10 you gone get what you give with LE. especially when you’re being pulled over for a valid reason.” Isaac continued.

As the sports media rapidly came to Hill’s defense and foolishly claimed this is yet another example of racism in America, social commentator and host of “Fearless,” Jason Whitlock, had a fresh perspective.

“Society is backwards. The guy worth $200 million with 10 kids has far lower expectations for his behavior than the guy making 90k for doing one of the most dangerous jobs,” Whitlock said. “Just admit you’re a bigot and you have no expectations for Tyreek Hill because he’s black,” Whitlock (who is black) exhorted in response to a slew of sports journalists making ridiculous comments about law enforcement.

That “backwards” society is exactly why men like Whitlock and Isaac need to stand up and speak out about setting a good example.

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