OAKLAND — A 43-year-old man standing outside was shot and killed Thursday night, police said.
The man was in the 9000 block of MacArthur Avenue in East Oakland, an area mixed with residences and businesses, when a bullet hit him about 11:05 p.m., police said.
Authorities did not identify him Friday morning, pending notification of his relatives. No arrests were announced.
The homicide was the 61st investigated by Oakland police in 2024, and one of two that happened Thursday. Police said the shootings were not releated.
At this time in 2023, police had investigated 72 homicides.
Police said the man lived in the area of the shooting. They did not have any information on possible suspects nor did they have a motive for the gunfire.
No other details were available immediately.
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Originally Published:
Source: www.mercurynews.com