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Lack of police response
encourages crime
On July 5, my family and I traveled to the Bay Area to visit relatives. While briefly inside a store, we were robbed of valuable personal items in a “smash-and-grab.” I contacted the Oakland Police Department and was told that since there were no injuries, law enforcement would not respond. I was directed to complete an online police report.
Our personal identities are protected. But as we spent the next two days in asset recovery mode, we learned that our experience is a common occurrence in Oakland. The robbery and the lack of response by law enforcement is not the exception, but the norm.
Failure to respond to serious crime on individuals is a failure of public policy and public safety. It places the burden for asset recovery on victims and more importantly incentivizes more of the same criminal and destructive behavior, which jeopardizes the safety and welfare of the public.
Harold Thompson
Watkinsville, Ga.
Continue elevating
stressed bird population
Thank you for giving such prominent and colorful coverage to our exciting and elegant Bay Area birds recently, both on the front page of the paper and the Local News sections.
“Flights of fancy” June 13 (Page B1) and “Alameda County Fair gets off to flying start” June 18 (Page B1) featured gorgeous photos, and the July 10 front-page piece on the teen birder/photographer (“Teen’s focus is getting noticed“) was inspiring and uplifting.
Birds are beautiful, intelligent and important to nature, and they thrive against all odds in our urban and suburban settings. They live on razor-thin margins and most bird species are stressed and dwindling due to loss of habitat, cats and climate disruption.
Let’s keep celebrating and elevating them.
Rosalie Howarth
Walnut Creek
Source: www.mercurynews.com