A remake of “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” starring the Biden family … in bikini briefs? A cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome hawked by George Clooney in his old “ER” scrubs? A shower-capped Biden promoting his creepy new homewares store Biden Bed Bath & Beyond?

Such is the skill of the street artist known as Sabo that those encountering these ads on bus shelters and benches in Los Angeles last week had to a do a double take before realizing something strange was afoot.

The products may have been fake, but the provocative posters served to call attention to a very real event: George Clooney’s star-studded Biden fundraiser at downtown L.A.’s Peacock Theatre.

Democratic Party bigwigs gathered to watch Jimmy Kimmel interview Barack Obama while celebs like Jack Black and Julia Roberts lent their star power to securing four more years of Joe Biden, who seemed to “freeze” onstage at the end of the evening.

Ironically, none of Sabo’s posters addressed Biden’s concerning displays of cognitive impairment — although they suggested plenty of other reasons we need a presidential reboot.

Sabo also sent up Amal Clooney’s recent work on an International Criminal Court advisory panel that called for Israeli leaders to face war crimes charges along with Hamas.

Sabo tells Align he was happy with how the work turned out while acknowledging the time and expense involved and the need to “decompress” after such intense, focused work. “I see us in this fight against these monsters, and [we] should take every shot we can at them.”

Align is proud to share some of Sabo’s own photos of his work in its natural habitat below. To learn more about Sabo or to support his work by buying posters, apparel, stickers, and other art, go to his website.