House Speaker Mike Johnson attends a news conference following a House Republican conference meeting at the US Capitol on June 12 in Washington, DC.
House Speaker Mike Johnson attends a news conference following a House Republican conference meeting at the US Capitol on June 12 in Washington, DC. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

House Speaker Mike Johnson was uncertain if Republicans would ultimately impeach President Joe Biden, but said the process would continue to play out “methodically,” while brushing off criticism from Democrats.  

“We have to do what the Constitution requires us to do regardless of the outcome. We don’t predetermine the outcome. We follow the process. We do it very methodically and slowly,” Johnson said. “Unlike the other team, that did snap impeachments and political impeachments. That’s not what we’ve done.” 
“The inquiry has been done in the right way on the right timeline,” Johnson said. “I know people are anxious for final results, but you can’t rush these things if you do it the right way.”  

Asked if he thinks they will impeach him, he said “I don’t know.” 

“There’s a lot of conduct that begs answers,” Johnson said, accusing the Biden family of receiving “millions of dollars, in some cases, from foreign nations and adversaries.”

“There’s not been a final accountability for that,” he said. 

“We’ll see what comes out in the end,” he added. “In spite of criticism, we have to follow the Constitution.” 

Johnson scoffed at Democrat criticism of Republicans for spending millions to go after Biden. 

“If they consider the fulfillment of our constitutional responsibility to be a waste of funding, then I think it says more about their priorities than ours,” Johnson told reporters. 

“Return on that investment is ensuring accountability to the people,” Johnson said. “There’s been a lot exposed and there’s a lot more yet to be exposed.” 


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