A new version of Scrabble is set to be released for the first time in 75 years and the updated rendition of the iconic board game is reportedly aimed at a Gen Z audience.
The updated version, to be released in Europe, will include two sides, one side with the original game for players who want to stick to the traditional version and a second, “less competitive” version to appeal to Gen Z players, BBC first reported. The second side, called Scrabble Together, will include helper cards, using a simpler scoring system that will be quicker to play and allow people to play in teams.
Broadcaster and British Scrabble president, Gyles Brandreth, told BBC Radio 4 Today that Mattel, the maker of the game, had done some research and found that younger, Gen Z people don’t like the “competitive nature” of the game as much as older generations. In response, he said the newer version would be “easier” and “more inclusive.”

Scrabble (Getty Images)
“The makers of Scrabble found that younger people, Gen Z people, don’t quite like the competitive nature of Scrabble,” Brandreth said. “They want a game where you can simply enjoy language, words, being together and having fun creating words.”
Brett Smitheram, a previous World Scrabble Champion, said the new version of the game “speaks to a trend in younger people who want to avoid competitive games and sense of losing, instead favouring teamwork and collaboration working towards a fun goal together.”
Although, some people online have been quick to criticize the move, calling it “Scrabble for Snowflakes” and “Woke Scrabble” on X.
In the simpler version, cards will provide help, including prompts and clues, that can be selected to match the player’s chosen challenge level. To win, the player must complete the 20 challenges and loses if they have used all the helper cards and cannot complete a goal.

Board detail of game between Chloe Fatsis and Jane Marsh during the Annual Nor’easter Scrabble Tournament at the Marriott Hotel on Friday Dec. 27, 2013 in Colonie, N.Y. (Getty Images)
“Scrabble has truly stood the test of time as one of the most popular board games in history, and we want to ensure the game continues to be inclusive for all players,” Ray Adler, vice president and global head of games at Mattel said, according to the press release. “For anyone who’s ever thought ‘word games aren’t for me’, or felt a little intimidated by the classic game, Scrabble Together mode is an ideal option.”
“With team based and faster gameplay, Scrabble Together Mode continues to celebrate the wonder of words just as the Classic version does, but thanks to its exciting new co-operative and dynamic gameplay, it’s more accessible and brings people together,” he added. “Players who prefer the classic version will continue to have the classic board game.”
Mattel clarified to Fox News Digital that Scrabble Together is currently only available across Europe as Mattel owns the Scrabble license globally but not in North America.
Source: www.foxnews.com