Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally in Richmond, Virginia, on March 2.
Former President Donald Trump speaks during a rally in Richmond, Virginia, on March 2. Win McNamee/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday again confused President Joe Biden with former President Barack Obama after attempting to defend his verbal slipups on the campaign trail and claiming they were intentional. 

“And [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, you know, has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the ‘nuclear’ word. You heard that, nuclear. He’s starting to talk nuclear weapons today. I was waiting for that to happen. But we have a fool, a fool as a president,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Richmond, Virginia.

Earlier in his speech, Trump attempted to defend the other times he has mixed up Biden and Obama in campaign speeches by claiming he had done so intentionally. Democrats have been seizing on Trump’s verbal slipups as Biden faces questions about his mental acuity.

“Every time I do that, or I’ll say our president, Barack Hussein Obama — now, I do that because, you know, that makes a point. We understand that, right, because a lot of people say he’s running the country. I don’t personally think so,” Trump said.

Trump again claimed him confusing former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and GOP presidential rival Nikki Haley was on purpose. 

“I purposefully mix up like a name like Birdbrain — you know who Birdbrain is, right? Nikki — with Nancy Pelosi. I put them in because they’re interchangeable in my mind,” Trump said.

Trump focused much of his second campaign speech of the day on Biden, the US-Mexico border and his legal issues and made only brief mention of Haley, his final primary rival. He gave a very similar speech earlier in the day in Greensboro, North Carolina. 

Trump also touted Argentina’s far-right president, Javier Milei, during his speech.

“Even Argentina, they went MAGA. … I love him because he loves Trump. When he called, I took his call. Anybody that loves me, I like them,” he said.
