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Houston, Texas – Video footage has been released of the Active Shooting Incident at Lakewood Church from February 11, 2024. The video shows an extended shootout with the female suspect and various officers and security guards. There is much to take in and understand and while we hesitate to evaluate all of the actions based on a video alone, many others are discussing the heroic action taken by an unnamed officer wearing a suit while at the same time detailing the inaction by others in uniform. Specifically, what occurs in the below video is being called into question by many online. 

 The below video is the entire incident. It is age restricted on YouTube and will require signing in.

Here are a few comments posted on YouTube:

“So the first officer Moreno hid during the gun battle. The James Bond officer in the suit remained engaged with the shooter and took her down.”

“I don’t think I have ever seen such poor police work ever. You have a man in a suit, no body armor aggressively engaging a shooter while several law enforcement either hide or find lock doors going up stairs while the suit guard engages the suspect clearly shooting and giving commands to drop her weapon..”

We’ve been around long enough to know that giving our opinions on these type of incidents too early, without sufficient information, is not always appropriate or accurate but there will come a time that we will comment.

With that said, the actions of the police officer beginning at minute six should be the focus of additional information from the agency. There may be an explanation of what is seen and there may not be but without further information, the conclusion that we come to will be one that will not be positive.

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