With zero wins so far and a potential home state drubbing on the horizon, Republican presidential primary candidate Nikki Haley has declared that she plans to continue running in the 2024 Republican presidential primary.

According to polling, the former South Carolina governor is poised to lose the Palmetto State’s GOP presidential primary by a significant margin.

“South Carolina will vote on Saturday. But on Sunday, I’ll still be running for president. I’m not going anywhere. I’m campaigning every day until the last person votes, because I believe in a better America and a brighter future for our kids,” she said during a speech on Tuesday.

Haley said of former President Donald Trump that she does not feel the need to “kiss the ring.”

“I have no fear of Trump’s retribution,” she said. “I’m not looking for anything from him. My own political future is of zero concern,” she said.

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung tweeted, “She’s going to drop down to kiss ass when she quits, like she always does.”

Haley finished the Iowa GOP presidential caucus in third place behind former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. And after DeSantis dropped out, Haley lost to Trump in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary.

Trump did not run in the primary in Nevada, but Haley still lost to a “None of These Candidates” option. Haley did not compete in the Nevada GOP caucus, the contest in which delegates were actually at stake, and Trump won that contest.

Haley, who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during a portion of Trump’s White House tenure, said that Trump and President Joe Biden are “too old” to serve as president. “We’re talking about the most demanding job in human history. You don’t give it to someone who’s at risk of dementia,” she said.

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