Democrats are hemorrhaging support from black and Hispanic Americans.

The newest Gallup data, published on Wednesday, found the Democratic Party has lost the support of nearly 20% of black Americans in just three years. In 2020, Democrats held a 66-point advantage over Republicans among black adults, 77% to 11%. Today, that lead has shrunk to just 47%, with Democrats losing 11% and Republicans gaining 8%.

The gap is the smallest Gallup has ever recorded

Among Hispanic adults, Democrats have lost nearly 20% since 2021, the Gallup analysis found, when Democrats held a 31-point advantage over Republicans. Today, that gap stands at just 12 points, 47% to 35%.

Surprisingly, the poll found that Democrats hold only a moderate 8-point lead over young Americans (ages 18–29), while Republicans lead Democrats among Americans 30 years old and older. Democrats’ only big leads, according to Gallup, are among women (nine points over Republicans), Americans with postgraduate education, and urban Americans.

The findings are “especially concerning” for Democrats, Gallup said, because it confirms what numerous other polls are showing: the Democratic Party is losing support from key demographics that compromise its voter coalition.

The reason black and Hispanic voters are leaving the Democratic Party is simple: they believe life was better when Donald Trump was president.

“I didn’t see something really change. I didn’t see changes and so I was expecting something,” voter Gabriela Martinez, who voted for Biden in 2020, told CNN last November. “Right now, I work in three jobs because I have to pay more [for] things. Like, my house is more expensive.”

“A lot of my friends we’ve only voted once, and Trump is kind of all we know — Trump and Biden. And they’re like, ‘Well, we were broke with Biden. We weren’t with Trump.’ And that’s kind of the only thing that I’m hearing over and over again is that ‘with Trump, we had money,'” voter Kinard Givens told MSNBC last week.

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