HAYWARD — A 26-year-old man crossing Interstate 580 on foot Monday evening died after he was struck by two vehicles, the California Highway Patrol said.
The coroner’s office identified the man Tuesday as Miles Harbin. The coroner’s office had no address for him.
The fatality happened about 6 p.m. Monday in the eastbound lanes of I-580 at the connector to Interstate 238, authorities said.
Authorities said Harbin had been in a vehicle that was involved in a separate collision in the westbound lanes of I-580. Details of that crash were not immediately available.
For some reason he started walking across the freeway; when he got into the eastbound lanes, he was hit by two vehicles, the CHP said. He was pronounced dead on the freeway.
The drivers of the two vehicles remained at the scene and were cooperating with investigators, CHP Officer Jennifer Pabst said. The investigation into the death resulted in the closure of some eastbound lanes for several hours.
Anyone who may have video of what happened or who has other information is asked to call the CHP’s Hayward office at 510-489-1500.
Source: www.mercurynews.com