An 18-year-old was taken into custody last week on suspicion of brandishing a firearm after a domestic violence incident led him to use a baby as a protective shield and to strike an officer while being detained.

Dispatch from the Fairfield Police Department received a 911 report at around 1:40 p.m. Jan. 26 that there was a man with a gun at an apartment complex in the 2400 block of Peach Tree Drive.

“Officers arrived at the scene but, upon seeing them, the man ran away and back towards the apartment the call originated from with an object in his hands,” said officials in a press release.

After the man fled, a perimeter was established and the man was contacted at the threshold of the apartment. In response to the department’s advances, the man proceeded to use an infant as a shield to prevent officers from detaining him. According to officials, a family member took the child away from the suspect soon after and he then struck an officer in the jaw before he was handcuffed and taken into custody.

“Following the arrest, the man’s steps were retraced and a handgun was found on the path he had taken back to the apartment,” read the release.

The 18-year-old Fairfield resident, who was not identified to protect the privacy of those involved in this domestic violence incident, was booked into the Solano County Jail on suspension of brandishing a weapon, resisting arrest and other weapons related charges.
