If you watch Dave Rubin, then you likely already know his sentiments regarding White House press secretary “Cringe Jean-Pierre,” who he says is “one of the bad guys here in this country.”

Jean-Pierre recently responded to the tragic deaths of three U.S. military members in the Jordan terror attack, and according to Dave, her response is “one of the stupidest things that has ever been uttered by a representative of the White House.”

“Obviously our deepest condolences go out and our heartfelt condolences go out to the families who lost uh, three, three brave, uh, three brave, uh, three brave, uh three folks who are military folks who are brave, who are always fighting, who are fighting on behalf of this administration of the American people,” she stuttered almost incoherently.

Dave is shocked not only at Jean-Pierre’s shameful blundering but also by the fact that she referred to the military officers as people who are “fighting for the Biden administration.”

“Those people are not fighting on behalf of this administration,” he says in disgust. “They are fighting on behalf of the United States of America, which hopefully will survive this administration.”

“She’s the perfect embodiment of everything that is wrong with this administration.”

However, KJP’s disgraceful “condolences” speech isn’t the only thing she’s irrevocably screwed up as of late. She also botched a response during a press conference in which she was asked if the president “plans to speak with the families of the fallen service members.”

“Don’t have any calls to read out,” she said bluntly before tacking on a virtue-signaling “this is a sad day” remark.

“It’s just so evil,” sighs Dave.

To see more of Cringe Jean-Pierre’s most cringeworthy moments, watch the clip below.

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