Recreation scholarships
The City of Sunnyvale is accepting applications for the 2024 Recreation Scholarship Program. Youth age 17 and younger can receive a $500 scholarship toward classes, camps and other recreation activities. Families must live in Sunnyvale and make 80% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI) to be eligible. Santa Clara County’s AMI is $181,300.
Applications are available in English, Spanish and Chinese. Recreation Scholarship funds are limited and subject to availability. Apply at https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities or call 408-730-7350 for more information.
Meeting on mixed use
An online neighborhood outreach meeting about a proposed mixed-use project at El Camino Real and Grape Avenue is set for Wednesday, Jan. 31, 6-7 p.m.
Applicants are proposing the demolition of a used car lot on the 3.56-acre site at 1104-1124 W. El Camino Real and construction of a seven-story, mixed-use building along the El Camino Real and Grape Avenue property frontages. The building would include 31,361 square feet of commercial/retail space on the first and second stories, 111 residential units (a mix of rental and for-sale) on the third story and above and at and below-grade parking. The project proposal also calls for construction of five two-story, single-family homes to the rear of the development.
To register for the meeting, visit https://dahlingroup.zoom.us/j/93924950812.
For more information, contact senior planner Jeffrey Cucinotta at jcucinotta@sunnyvale.ca.gov or call 408-730-7424. For questions or comments, contact Jane Casupanan, the applicant’s representative, at janec@deanzaproperties.com or call 650-209-3232.
Source: www.mercurynews.com