Now that the Republican presidential primary is in full swing and we’re entering a year that’s sure to be full of criminal investigations, potential convictions, and perhaps even jail time for Donald Trump, debates about who will be America’s next president are buzzing like never before.

“Come mid-January 2025, who will be the president of the United States?” Dave Rubin asks Megyn Kelly.

“I’m gonna have to say Donald Trump,” she speculates. “Trump grows with every controversy.”

“I’ve never seen the Republican base so angry about something – even the ones who don’t like him are going to try to send a message that that kind of electioneering that the Dems are doing to him is not okay,” she continues, adding that “Joe Biden over the next year is likely to have a fall or an impossible-to-ignore senior moment” that will be the nail in his campaigning coffin.

“Megyn, as I always tell you, you’re on the top of my very short list of people who make me think that there are sane people in the world and we might exist in a couple years from now,” laughs Dave.

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