Of all the cars I have ever owned, the car that had to be the most beautiful of all was my 1972 246GT Dino. I bought it in the early 1990s from a dealer in LA, and it was the perfect car for an up-and-coming movie studio executive to drive. No matter who I asked everyone loved it. I was dating a fairly well known actress at the time, yes a stereotype to be sure, and she once told a friend of ours that she was dating me because of the car. I am not sure if she was joking or not, but being in my mid 20s I really did not care. I had the girl and I had a Dino. Life was the very definition of good.

From any angle the Dino is sports car design perfection. Yes, stupid people will tell you that a Dino is slow, but they don’t understand what these cars are all about. I will tell you from experience that they do not feel slow behind the wheel, and when you combine that with the amazing sound of the Dino V6 at redline you soon forget that the guy next to you in the new TRD Camry can blow your doors off. These cars were fast for their era and a performance equal to the very best Porsche 911 cars of the day, the car they were designed to compete with. It is the kind of car that after you park it in the garage, you just walk around looking at it.

The Pick of the Day is one of these stunning cars a 1972 Ferrari Dino 246GT for sale on ClassicCars.com by a dealer in Farmingdale, New York.

The seller describes this Dino as chassis number #3418, and it is finished in Rosse Chiaro with black interior. They add that this car is reported to have been in only two collections during the past four decades. It was restored with new paint, body gaskets, excellent glass and brightwork.

They go on to say that the interior has fresh leather seats and a mouse hair dashboard, correct carpets, power windows and the original radio. The engine compartment and undercarriage are fully detailed. Mechanically the Dino looks excellent, with correct compression, a smooth shifting transmission, and replaced shocks and ball joints. The car includes all books and tools.

The market for the Dino has come a long way since I bought my yellow one. A few years ago a car like this would have cost somewhere around $300,000. Sadly those days are over and to get a Dino you have to pay up. There is much more demand than supply, making me think that I am not the only one who feels that the Dino is a Ferrari masterpiece.

The asking price for this 1972 Dino 246GT is a strong but market correct $599,900, and if you are interested in one of these cars I might make a call and start seeing if there is any negotiating room. Even if you pay full retail for this car, I am pretty sure that it will in no way disappoint and every drive will feel like an event.

Click here to view this Pick of the Day on ClassicCars.com.

Source: www.classiccars.com