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SEATTLE – As Seattle governance tolerated autonomous zones in 2020 while various forms of Antifa hostility and BLM rebellion took a stronghold, the city has continued to get more violent. In 2023, it is ready to surpass a nearly 30-year homicide record.

Seattle reached a total of 71 homicides this year on Nov. 30, which matched the city’s deadly ignominious record established in 1994. The Seattle Police Department said this week that no additional homicides have been recorded since then, Fox News Digital reported, but 17 days remain on the calendar until the end of the year.

“While violent crimes are down, the amount of fired rounds used to commit a single act of violence is up,” Public Affairs Officer Shawn Patrick Weismiller told Fox. “This has [been] attributed to homicides going up.”

The odd statement by Weismiller seems to be an attempt to spin bad news in the Emerald City.

Naturally, cutting the police budget by 13% (down from a proposed 50% in 2020) and failing to support officers also led to an exodus, leaving the agency short-staffed and the city more vulnerable.

According to the department’s 2022 end-of-year report, 52 homicides were reported, up from the previous year’s 42. There were 53 homicides in 2020, per department reports.

According to information compiled by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs, homicides had been on a steady decline since 1994, reaching an all-time low of 16 in 2016 prior to the present climb.

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