President Biden fumbled through a major infrastructure announcement recently, explaining from a podium that he planned on investing millions, billions, or perhaps even trillions in the country’s infrastructure.

The president spoke in Nevada in front of statements that read “Invest in Nevada” and “High Speed Rail” as he announced $8.2 billion in federal funding for 10 major passenger rail projects across the country, including an electric rail line between California and Nevada, NPR reported.

If viewers listened to Biden, however, it would be difficult to decipher exactly what the plan is.

“Four years of infrastructure week, but it failed. He failed,” Biden said in reference to President Trump’s term. “On my watch, instead of infrastructure week, America is having infrastructure decade … decade.” he added to applause.

“Over a billion 300 million trillion 300 million dollars,” Biden mumbled about the federal investment. “Trump just talks the talk; we walk the walk.”

“Look, he likes to say America’s a failing nation. Frankly, he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about,” the president added.

California and Nevada will get $3 billion from the government for a privately owned electric rail route between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, while the Golden State will receive another $3.1 billion to help with its publicly funded effort to connect L.A. and San Francisco, the Associated Press reported.

“The federal government is back on building high-speed rail in America,” said Brian Kelly, CEO of the California High-Speed Rail Authority. “This award is just a great leap forward,” he added.

The funding has jumped back and forth depending on the administration in charge of the federal government. Trump reportedly pulled $1 billion in federal money from California’s project that was initially granted under President Obama.

However, state officials, including Democrats, attempted to prevent Governor Gavin Newsom from putting another $4 billion toward the project, but eventually allowed it in exchange for the creation of a new independent agency with power to audit the project.

The California-Nevada project has no start date, however, but Nevada Democratic Senator Jackie Rosen said it could happen before the 2028 summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

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