The United Nations’ Commission of Inquiry has come under fire by Israel’s ambassador to the UN, who stated that the group is incapable of carrying out a fair investigation. The group has been tasked with investigating Hamas’ crimes of sexual abuse and rape that took place on October 7.

Fox News Digital reported that Israel’s Ambassador, Gilad Erdan, said “Israel has zero trust in its findings and its illegitimate activities. Its ‘investigation’ into the terror organization’s sexual crimes against Israeli women on Oct. 7 is akin to Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza, investigating its crimes.”

Erdan has long held that the UN holds a bias against the Jewish state.

“The commissioners’ pre-existing prejudice against Israel is abundantly clear,” Erdan said. “They have denied Israel’s right to be a member of the U.N., they have undermined the accepted working definition of antisemitism, and they support the boycott of Israel.”

Last week, Blaze News reported that Gal Gadot — best known for playing “Wonder Woman” — stated that the UN had failed the female victims of Hamas’ attack, writing on Instagram: “We claim we stand against rape, violence against women. We will not let women be victimized and then silenced. We say we believe women. Stand with women. Speak out for women.”

“On October 7th, the world witnessed Hamas carrying out its violent plans in real time. Within hours of the October 7th attack, the first blood-chilling video emerged of Shani Louk being paraded naked and defiled by her proud assailants,” Gadot wrote on the social media platform, referring to Shani Louk, the German-Israeli tattoo artist who was kidnapped by Hamas.

Gadot continued: “Yet two months later women are still hostage to these rapists and the world has failed to call this situation what it is: an urgent emergency that demands a decisive response.”

“This is our moment as women and allies of women to act. I am beseeching all those who have done so much for women’s rights globally – from the UN, to the human rights community, to please join in the demand that Hamas release every single woman hostage immediately – not after the next round of international mediation, not after another day. These women cannot survive another moment of this horror.”

Erdan’s position on the UN was apparently shared by Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights at the Holocaust, who said that “[t]here is no possibility whatsoever that the COI will investigate anything about Israel in a fair manner. This isn’t speculation, it’s fact.”

The genesis of the COI comes from a 2021 UN resolution, which stated: “On 27 May 2021, the Human Rights Council held a special session on ‘the Grave Human Rights Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem’ and adopted the resolution ‘Ensuring respect for international human rights law and international humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel.'”

Bayefsky has apparently written about the COI, stating the Navi Pillay, chairwoman of the COI, has supported anti-Semitism in the past.

“The three individuals on this so-called ‘inquiry,’ starting with Pillay herself, are utterly biased,” Bayefsky said. “That’s precisely why they were selected in the first place. Their personal records demonstrate rank antisemitism.”

“They are running an antisemitic inquisition, not an investigation. And the only reason they have a sudden interest in the horrifying reality of Palestinian Arab rape of Jewish women and girls is because their faux legal charade is at risk of even greater delegitimization.”

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