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I’d rather not mention where I’m stationed, but let’s just say it’s in a busy corner of England. In my line of work as a police officer, every shift is a new adventure, though not always the kind you’d hope for.

Our days are filled with a bit of everything – domestics, missing persons, mental health crises. We deal with it all: knife crime, drug issues, and youngsters who don’t seem to have an ounce of fear or respect for the police. The public’s disdain can be palpable, and sometimes, it feels like we’re trying to stem a tide that just keeps on coming.

The judicial system doesn’t always back us up the way we need, and societal problems? They run deep, deeper than most realise. We, the police, are often the first and last line of defense in situations that are way beyond our control.

On the streets, it’s not unusual to see fresh faces, newly minted from training, already taking on responsibilities that would have been unthinkable a few years back. Even our sergeants and inspectors seem to be getting younger. We’re all doing our best, but it’s like fighting a battle where you’re perpetually outnumbered.

Imagine having your days off cancelled, family plans constantly disrupted, working extended hours because there’s simply no one else to step in. My family bears the brunt of this. I can’t share the burdens of my day with my partner, and my children… well, they’re growing up with a dad who’s there in body more often than in spirit.

Yet, I can’t say I don’t love this job. It’s a vocation, a calling, even on its worst days. But there’s a lingering fear that overshadows everything.

What am I scared of? Not the physical confrontations or the dangerous calls.

My greatest fear is that one day, I’ll make a decision in the heat of the moment – the right decision by all accounts – and it’ll turn my life upside down. Not because it was wrong, but because it didn’t sit well with public opinion or the press.

In our job, every action is scrutinised, every decision dissected. One wrong move, or even a move that’s perceived as wrong, can end a career.

It’s this fear that haunts me: the thought that despite doing my job with the best intentions, it might not be enough in a world where perceptions often matter more than reality.

So, yes, I’m fearful. Not of the challenges I face on the street, but of the invisible, ever-looming judgment that comes with them. Despite it all, I’m committed to this job, to making a difference. But in an era where every choice can be your downfall, the fear of doing everything right and it still not being enough is what truly keeps me awake at night…

Editor’s Note: This was originally posted here and they received it as a message. We do not know the author but we know this. We hear this exact sentiment on a weekly basis throughout the United States. It is for this reason that we decided to post to our readers.

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