A Salvadoran who had previously been removed from America after illegally entering the country will be removed from the U.S. again, according to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement press release.

“This Salvadoran noncitizen represented a threat to the residents of Maryland,” ERO Baltimore acting Field Office Director Darius Reeves noted, according to the press release. “He is a documented member of a violent street gang using our communities to hide out from authorities in his home country. ERO Baltimore will not allow the world’s criminals to use Maryland neighborhoods to escape justice.”

The individual had been arrested by Border Patrol in May 2011. He was removed from the U.S. in July 2011.

“The San Salvador Police Department arrested and charged the Salvadoran national for crimes relating to public peace, illicit groups and illegally carrying a firearm in July 2013 and identified him a member of the 18th Street criminal gang at that time,” the press release notes. “The San Salvador Police Department again arrested and charged the Salvadoran citizen for illegally carrying a firearm in November 2015.”

At an unknown point in time, the individual illegally reentered the U.S., according to ICE, which notes that Border Patrol encountered him, as well as his spouse and child, in March 2021.

“The noncitizen filed an application for asylum and for withholding of removal with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in May 2022. A Department of Justice immigration judge in Baltimore rejected his application the following month,” the press release notes. “In February 2023, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services officially closed the noncitizen’s case, reinstating his removal.”

“Deportation officers from ERO Baltimore’s Fugitive Operations Team arrested him at his residence in Cockeysville and served him a notice of intent/decision to reinstate prior removal order. The Salvadoran national will remain in ICE custody pending his removal from the United States,” the press relase states.

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