What’s the difference between Dodge and Plymouth? Dodge was supposed to be more upscale but, starting in the 1960s, that line was blurred, especially with the advent of the 1960 Dart, which seems to have cannibalized Plymouth sales. That was connected through the decade, with Dodge developing a delta-style trademark that was reflected in its “Fratzog” logo.
The below Dodges, all for sale via AutoHunter and ClassicCars.com, have a connection to each other. What could it be? Answer in the comments section below. Working clockwise from the top left may help you figure it out . . . and, remember, you can click on each vehicle to discover any details that you may need — especially if you want to buy!

Start at the top left and work clockwise. Click on each image to reveal each car.

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Source: www.classiccars.com