ADA improvements

State Assemblymember Marc Berman presented the City of Campbell with a check for $500,000 from the state of California for ADA improvements to city hall at the Oct. 17 city council meeting. Berman secured the funding in the 2023-24 state budget.

The funds will be used for renovations to public counters and public meeting spaces in Campbell’s city hall, as well as accessibility improvements to the main entrance, which has long sloping ramps that would be improved to meet current standards.

Other areas of city hall in need of accessibility upgrades include the community development, planning and building, public works, engineering, and finance and administration departments.

This project would also remove the fixed seating in the council chambers and provide for better access to the dais and related spaces.

Fruit fly quarantine

Some areas of Campbell are within a portion of Santa Clara County that the California Secretary of Agriculture has placed under quarantine for the oriental fruit fly following the detection of eight flies in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale. These areas are expected to remain under quarantine until June 1, 2024.

The oriental fruit fly is known to infest more than 230 fruits and vegetables, including valuable California crops. To prevent their spread, residents in the quarantine areas should not move homegrown fruits and vegetables from their property. This produce may, however, be consumed or processed on the property where they were grown. Store-bought produce is considered safe.

Residents should continue to use their green organics cart for disposal of all produce. All organic materials collected in the green organics cart go through extensive processing to ensure that the resulting compost is free from pathogens, including fly larvae and eggs.

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