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PG&E should foot bill
for undergrounding
Re: “Urge CPUC to support PG&E undergrounding” (Page A6, Oct. 12).
If PG&E wants to underground lines then they should do it at their expense. Their profits-over-safety policies have cost too many lives and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to the citizens of the state.
Pacific Gas & Electric’s gross profit for the 12 months ending June 30, 2023, was $17.225 billion, a 1.47% increase year-over-year.
They can afford to pay for the undergrounding themselves at their own expense. No more rate increases. It’s time they paid for their own sins instead of passing it on to the consumer.
Jim Wissick
San Jose
Stalled peace process
plays role in conflict
The ultimate cause of the horrific bloodletting that began with the savage slaughter of Israelis on Oct. 7 and continues with the merciless bombardment of the Palestinians in Gaza is the total collapse of the peace process to create a viable Palestinian state conditioned on recognition of Israel.
This collapse was predicated by the acceptance by many Israelis of the false alternative policy of periodically “mowing the lawn” and the failure of the international community and especially the United States to condition their support on maintaining the peace process. These failures enabled the reactionary Netanyahu government to unleash the extremist settlers and their supporters on the Palestinians of the West Bank and Jerusalem. The crushing of hope reinforced by these assaults set the stage for Hamas’ nightmarish retribution.
While we deal with the immediate disasters confronting us, we must not forget that the ultimate goal must be to restore the peace process.
Michael Dunlap
Human rights must be
embraced to halt war
Re: “Palestinians suffer from their own acts” and “Letter ignores history of Mideast conflict” (Page A12, Oct. 15).
Hamas’ actions against the Israeli people are atrocities. Israel’s actions against the Palestinian people have long been atrocities, and these atrocities are escalating with support from the U.S. government. Acknowledging the root causes of the violence as the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and calling for an end to the current siege and the continued apartheid, does not negate the current pain and suffering that Israelis and Palestinians are experiencing.
I do not know what the answer is, but as a human being, I know it is not the eradication or persistent oppression of a people. I know the Israeli government does not represent all Israelis/Jewish people, and that Hamas does not represent all Palestinians/Arab people. I know that the U.S. government’s unquestioning support of the Israeli government is unjust and counter to the centering of human rights. We must hold all this to move forward towards peace and justice.
Rachel Berkowitz
San Jose
Source: www.mercurynews.com