FOX News host Sean Hannity reacts to the devastating war in Israel and calls out anti-Semitism on “Hannity.
SEAN HANNITY: Here is what needs to happen with Israel. As of tonight, Gaza can no longer be used as a launching ground for Hamas to fire rockets into neighboring very near, very geographically close, Israeli cities. Israel must end this as a staging ground for Hamas, as Gaza is so close to Israel geographically.
What happens next is there will be full on war, conflict, shootings, bombings, exchanges. People on both sides are going to die. Sadly, innocent people will die. Our prayers tonight are with the Israelis that now have to defend once again their homeland and the innocent human beings that are used as shields so that Hamas could try and protect their own lives, you know, being the cowards that they really are.
Because you know what? All of this could stop. All of it could end right now. If Hamas, the terror group, would lay down their weapons, lay down their arms, stop using human shields, but don’t hold your breath. Why would you expect a terrorist group with such vile hatred in their hearts ever have any empathy, any awareness of the carnage that they are causing? This is a group that is founded in their principle, their charter, with the idea that Israel must be destroyed.
They use hospitals as human shields along with schools and now, according to reports, they plan on using Israeli civilian hostages as human shields. They’re already using Palestinian civilians trying to leave as human shields. Why? Just to advance their radical ideology. If Hamas laid down their arms today, nobody would die. Nobody needs to die. The inevitable, senseless loss of life. It could all be prevented.
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Source: www.foxnews.com