Figures in the Biden administration have privately informed legislators that the administration is preparing a supplemental funding request that contains assistance for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and American border security, NBC News reported, citing two congressional officials, an administration official, as well as a defense official.

The outlet reported that administration officials noted that the request would seek funding to construct additional weapons in order to tackle the stress that supplying more military assistance to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan would place on the Defense Department’s stockpiles.

The administration’s reported plans to seek funding for foreign aid come as Americans’ bank accounts sink under the heavy burden of inflation, which has been eroding the purchasing power of their hard-earned money.

GOP Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas said that he is open to tying assistance for Israel and Ukraine into a bigger package, NBC News has previously reported. “Yeah, I think that’s a possibility — along with China, Taiwan, border security,” he said, according to the outlet.

But some lawmakers would not support packaging Israel and Ukraine aid.

“Our government’s funding Ukraine’s government, funding the proxy war with Russia. Israel has their own government. Israel defends themselves. Two separate issues,” GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia said, according to NBC News. “They shouldn’t be tied together. I will not vote to fund Ukraine. Absolutely not,” she noted. “Israel is totally separate.”

“They’re both needed. I wouldn’t want to connect one to the other,” GOP Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska said, according to NBC News. “I support both, but to hold one hostage for the other wouldn’t be right,” he said. “It’s in our national security interest and it’s morally right to help out both,” Bacon said, according to the outlet.

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