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WASHINGTON, D.C. – A Democrat congressman experienced what it is like to feel powerless when a group of criminals pointed a gun at him and fled with his car Monday evening outside his Washington, DC, apartment building, according to his office.

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), 68, was carjacked but otherwise unharmed during the crime of violence in DC’s trendy Navy Yard neighborhood at approximately 9:32 p.m., according to DC’s Metropolitan Police Department.

“As Congressman Cuellar was parking his car this evening, 3 armed assailants approached the Congressman and stole his vehicle,” Cuellar’s Chief of Staff Jacob Hochberg told the New York Post.

“Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement. Thank you to Metro PD and Capitol Police for their swift action and for recovering the Congressman’s vehicle.”

Three male suspects reportedly held guns to Cuellar’s head as they took his car as well as his phone, according to Axios reporter Andrew Solender, who cited a group chat used by the lawmakers that occupy the building. The vehicle was parked on the street when the crime occurred.

The Metropolitan Police Department issued a crime alert that said police are looking for “three black males wearing all black clothing” that made off with the congressman’s white Honda CHR with Texas tags.

“DC’s Metropolitan Police Department is investigating an armed carjacking that happened around 9:30 p.m. in DC’s Navy Yard neighborhood,” Capitol police said in a statement late Monday night, according to Fox News. “The victim has been identified as a Member of Congress, so the USCP has investigators working with MPD on this case. Injuries were not reported. Detectives are working to track down the suspect.”

The carjacking comes as multiple congressional staffers have been victimized by crime in DC this year.

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