“I’ve been begging and pleading – please arrest him, lock him up, do something that’s going to make him pay for the things that he’s out here doing,” Hammons implored. “I’ve done almost everything I could and it’s turning him against me, he’s going the opposite way and doing what he wants to do which is turning to the streets.”

Despite police continually catching Hammons’ son stealing and crashing vehicles, “the system” demands that officers return him to his mother.

“I think him seeing that nothing is being done is giving him more of an adrenaline rush to go back out and do it again,” Hammons said.

Hammons believes her son poses a threat to himself and others due to his out-of-control criminal activity.

“Since he’s left, that I know of, he’s crashed five cars. And I reported each and every one that I know of, and he’s still out there,” Hammons said.

As city officials call on parents to watch their kids, parents like Hammons are wondering what happens next when they’ve done all they can and it hasn’t worked, WBNS 10TV reported.

“We’re trying, but once they’re here and they leave again, then what? What are we supposed to do?” Hammons earnestly asked.

Source: www.lawofficer.com