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Newsom should sign
gun control bill
Gun violence is tragically present in our society on a daily basis.
AB 28 is historic and the first of its kind in the nation by establishing a dedicated revenue source to protect human life, just as the federal excise tax protects wildlife. This is even more critical as we head into tight budget years. We need a steady and reliable commitment to counter what the threat of gun violence continues to do to all of our communities, especially those that have historically been left behind.
I look forward to gun safety champion Gov. Gavin Newsom signing the bill.
Catherine Egelhoff
Industry should help
pay for gun violence
I’m a resident of Oakland and am writing to voice my support of Assembly Bill 28.
I look forward to Gov. Gavin Newsom signing this bill into law and solidifying California as a leader in gun violence prevention. We need sustained funding to combat the effects of gun violence in our communities — we know these kinds of programs work.
I believe asking the firearm industry to help pay the cost that gun violence costs our community is only fair.
Rachel Prince
Vallejo must solve
police shortage problem
What is going on in Vallejo as far as the severe shortage of police officers is very concerning.
The city declared a state of emergency back in July but there has been very little change. Crime is still rampant throughout the city with very few officers to help combat it. The police even said back in August that they would stop responding to certain 911 calls due to this lack of patrol officers.
Something has to be done to help the city get back on its feet and get the rapidly rising crime under control.
Nick Austin
History shows U.S.
must support Ukraine
If you don’t learn from history you are destined to repeat it. Our U.S. history tells us that after World War I was over we never wanted to deal with another world war.
Then-President Franklin Roosevelt tried to stay out of the war Hitler was starting in Europe. We were against sending our boys to die to save Europe. Consequently, Hitler started conquering Europe one country after another. When the United States finally entered the war against Germany’s takeover we were able to win, but not after much destruction in Europe and the deaths of millions of people.
This is why we must support Ukraine. It is trying to stop Vladimir Putin. His ambition is to expand Russia and its influence. I would rather pay higher taxes and more for other goods than send our children to fight Putin or have a nuclear war. Evil is very strong and hard to kill.
Norma Neto
Gaming can offer
real-world benefits
Many adults perceive gaming as a hobby that poses no significant value, often overlooking its intrinsic ideas.
It’s not just an activity for those uninterested in playing sports. Gaming offers both entertainment and clear objectives in nearly every game online. Both aspects bring satisfaction upon reaching a goal, whether a player wins a battle against strangers or defeats a powerful boss with vast health points. Online games aren’t merely about pressing keys; they enable intricate global interactions and immerse players in rich, expansive environments. These digital domains allow players to feel the exhilaration of control, being protagonists in their own narratives. This control is alluring and deeply immersive.
However, distinguishing between this digital realm and the real world is essential. Adults must mentor younger gamers, imparting wisdom to transition between these worlds. The challenge isn’t leading hatred toward gaming but rather nurturing a balanced approach, ensuring virtual interactions complement real-world interactions.
Taha Rahman
Source: www.mercurynews.com