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More than 300,000 migrants attempted to cross into the United States in August, surpassing the national record, as the White House downplays the shocking number.

The Daily Mail reported that in August, 304,162 were apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol, exceeding the previous record of 302,412 in December.

The figure is shocking because numbers usually drop during summertime months because of the excessive heat.

The Washington Examiner first reported the total weeks ago, citing CBP sources.

This month the issue appears to be just as bad as shocking footage shows hundreds more migrants flooding over the southern border after leaving a cross-country cargo train known as ‘The Beast.’

Border officials have been left scrambling after being overwhelmed by refugees in recent weeks, with the small town of Eagle Pass, Texas becoming an epicenter of the crisis as over 11,500 people have flocked through in the last 10 days.

On Friday, footage shared to X by journalist Juan Mendoza Diaz showed hundreds of people marching into Eagle Pass in the early hours of the morning under torchlight.

As the camera panned over the migrants, many smiled and waved – and Diaz said they told him they arrived by the train despite Mexico officials announcing the partial halting of ‘The Beast’ this week due to the spate of problems.

The crisis escalated overnight Friday as at least three cases of tuberculosis were reported among migrants in El Paso, Texas – almost 500 miles away from Eagle Pass.

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