CyTwist has launched its Preemptive Cyber Attack Management Platform (PCAM) to enable defenders to expose attacks early and accurately while creating efficiencies in the SOC. They are building a platform that will create resilient customers against threats to which they are currently blind. In doing so they enable customers to eliminate many of the current cybersecurity tools they possess today.

Publishers Spotlight: CyTwist: Defend Forward – Stop Your Attacks without IOCs

CyTwist founders ran counterterrorism operations in Israel, a high stakes world in which defenders must stop attackers from achieving their malicious intent.  They developed a new approach to handing data (intelligence) to successfully identify and thwart attacks. CyTwist is now bringing this same methodology to cyber in the form of their PCAM.

Cyber-attack detection today looks a lot like law enforcement. CyTwist knows what is “legal” (allowed) and “illegal” (malicious) and systems are pretty good at exposing known illegal or malicious events. The challenge is that attackers have the same knowledge as defenders, and they know how to use legal, or allowed, actions to execute on their attacks. CyTwist’s platform acts more like an intelligence agency.  It knows how to automatically combine legitimate actions (living off the land) and alerts into high probability attack paths. Through the use of AI and other methods, the system exposes progressions of actions where the only conclusion one can draw is that there is an attack underway.

The CyTwist platform can be implemented for testing or to go live in minutes. CyTwist use small amounts of data their customers already collect by connecting to their XDR/EDR. There is no system training so CyTwist can immediately begin identifying attacks.

Danny Wishlitzky, Head of IT and Cybersecurity, CISO, DPO at Proxymity, recently deployed CyTwist and described their experience as follows “CyTwist was easy to deploy and use. Over the last several months, CyTwist found two potential live attacks early enough for us to resolve both situations without any harm. Though our EDR collected the data, it did not alert us to these potential attacks, thankfully CyTwist did, and we’re pleased to have another tool to guard our systems.”

Learn more about CyTwist at

About the Publisher

Gary Miliefsky, Publisher & AuthorGary Miliefsky is an internationally recognized cybersecurity expert, bestselling author and keynote speaker. He is a Founding Member of the US Department of Homeland Security, served on the National Information Security Group and served on the OVAL advisory board of MITRE responsible for the CVE Program. He founded and is the Publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine since 2012. Visit Gary online at:
