Jabra is preparing some earbud refreshes with high-tech features, according to reputable third-party source MySmartPrice. The Jabra Elite 8 Active earbuds look to be a refresh that combines elements from the Elite 7 Active and the well-reviewed Elite 7 Pro. The company also seems to be skipping an entire iteration, as it’s also reportedly prepping the Jabra Elite 10 earbuds, just like how Apple skipped over the iPhone 9 in favor of the catchier iPhone X.
The Elite 8 Active true-wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds will offer voice assistant support and adaptive hybrid Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) which is a pricier and premium alternative to more traditional ANC methods. The earbuds will reportedly have an IP58 rating for both water and dust-resistance, with the charging case offering an IP54 rating.
The earbuds boast Jabra’s proprietary secure in-ear ShakeGrip technology, which is basically a liquid silicone rubber exterior that stays put when placed in the ear. Reports indicate that these buds will also allow for fast pairing, Spotify tap playback and more.
Not as much is known about the Jabra Elite 10 line, though it looks like the earbuds will offer ANC, fast pairing, Dolby Atmos support, voice assistant support, Spotify tap playback and the same water and dust-resistance ratings as the Elite 8 Active earbuds. They’ll also be available in gold and beige, with a possibility for more color options.
Some major specs, like battery life, are still being kept under wraps, as these earbuds have yet to be officially announced. It’s worth noting that the Jabra Elite 7 earbuds got around 30 hours per charge. There’s no pricing or availability information yet for either of these products. We’ll keep you updated.
Source: www.engadget.com