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Only volunteers can
stop invasive plants
The Earth is in the midst of the Sixth Extinction crisis, caused mostly by loss of habitat. A large part of that habitat loss is caused by invasive non-native plants.
Most of these plants are listed by the California Department of Food and Agriculture because they are harmful to the environment, and they are designated a “public nuisance.”
The East Bay Regional Park District and other public agencies have recently been doing everything they can to attract more people to the parks. And they have been very successful. Unfortunately, they haven’t made the same effort to protect wildlife and habitat. Recreation leads to more recreation, which leads to more trail-building, mountain biking and other habitat destruction.
Mike Vandeman
San Ramon
Trump is not
above the law
A grand jury made up of everyday Americans reviewed mountains of evidence and determined there was enough proof of wrongdoing to bring four criminal charges against Donald Trump.
There can be no more serious crime than a conspiracy to overturn the foundation of our democracy. It’s shameful how many MAGA Republicans are now rushing to defend Trump instead of standing up for our democracy and our freedom to vote.
According to the indictment, Trump deliberately lied about voter fraud and pressured local officials to illegally overturn election results and manufacture fake slates of electors. When Vice President Mike Pence refused to toss out the legitimate, Trump incited an attack on our Capitol.
These are serious charges. Elected leaders of all parties must allow the trial to unfold without political interference and let a jury of Americans do their job. No one is above the law.
Nona Fernandez
Evidence supports
bringing Jan. 6 charges
The evidence contained in the most recent indictment against Donald Trump should disturb every American. Trump threatened the very bedrock of American democracy.
Knowing he lost the 2020 presidential election, Trump cooked up numerous illegal schemes to stay in power, including pressuring state officials to overturn the will of voters and counterfeiting electoral certificates that declared him the winner. He and his cronies leaned on everyone they could to carry out their plans, including former Vice President Pence, who refused.
When they couldn’t steal the presidency, they rioted in our nation’s Capitol in an attempt to stop the election from being certified.
These crimes are too serious to be ignored. That’s exactly why a grand jury decided that Trump should be indicted on four criminal counts, including conspiracy against the right to vote.
Trump must be held accountable for his crimes, just like anyone else would be.
Rachel Gordon
Politicians’ oaths
appear meaningless
Whenever a politician, member of the military, law enforcement, diplomats and others serving in government raise their hands and pledge to protect and defend the Constitution, that oath is supposed to indicate unfailing support for democracy regardless of agreement with political outcomes.
The actions of some of the participants and planners of the Jan. 6 insurrection as well as the actions taken in the aftermath reveal that for many their oath (word) was meaningless.
Barry Gardin
Trump continues
to defraud supporters
Re: “What if the people who oppose Trump are really the bad guys?” (Page A6, Aug. 4).
David Brooks brings an interesting perspective on those who oppose former President Donald Trump. He suggests we consider the idea that those who oppose Trump are the bad guys.
One example he brings up (which supposedly can contribute to those unending MAGA resentments) is the Vietnam War, when “high school grads had to go off to fight in Vietnam, but the children of the educated class got college deferments.”
Lest it is forgotten, Trump received five deferments which consist of four student deferments and the much-questioned bone-spur deferment. It’s more than ironic that his supporters don’t recognize him as yet another East Coast elite billionaire who is in the category of those they hate. Meanwhile, Trump cruelly fundraises off of them in order to cover his exorbitant legal fees.
Not understanding that “denial is not a river,” the MAGA crowd buys into Trump’s lies hook, line and sinker.
Lisa Rigge
Source: www.mercurynews.com