A Japanese man finally fulfilled his childhood “desire to transform” into an animal. The adult human spent over $14,000 on a custom-made collie dog costume.

A Japanese man released a video of his “transformation” to a collie dog on his YouTubechannel named: “I Want To Be An Animal.” The man is seen in the collie costume is seen interacting with real-life dogs and people who are unaware there is a grown man disguised as an animal.

The man inside the dog costume does tricks for a German TV host who was interviewing him at the time.

At the time of publication, the video racked up more than 3 million views on YouTube.

The man previously posted more than 20 videos of him dressed in the dog costume, but his latest video is the first that he left the privacy of his home. Toco said he felt “nervous and a little scared” about going out in public dressed as a dog.

The man – only known as “Toco” – wants to remain anonymous because he fears being judged by friends and coworkers.

“I don’t want my hobbies to be known, especially by the people I work with,” Toco told the Daily Mail last year.

The furry enthusiast told the Mirror, “I rarely tell my friends because I am afraid they will think I am weird.”

“My friends and family seemed very surprised to learn I became an animal,” Toco added. “They think it’s weird that I want to be a dog. For the same reason why I can’t show my real face.”

Toco said he has wanted to transform into an animal since he was a child.

“Do you remember your dreams from when you are little? You want to be a hero or a wizard,” he said. “I remember writing in my grade school graduation book that I wanted to be a dog and walk outside.”

“Ever since I was a small child, I wanted to be an animal. I think it is a desire to transform,” Toco continued. “I’ve thought about it since I can remember.”

Toco spent $2 million Yen (USD $14,161) for the realistic dog costume. He bought the collie costume from Zeppet – a Japanese company that makes costumes for TV and movies. The Tokyo-based company says it takes 40 days to create the collie costume.

“Modeled after a collie dog, it reproduces the appearance of a real dog walking on four legs,” a Zeppet spokesperson told news.com.au.

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Dogs and people’s reactions to seeing a realistic dog costume!www.youtube.com